🐋Bonus Program
Bonus Program Calculation:
Assuming each Runeshard holder gets a bonus based on the number of Runeshards they hold.
Total Bonus Allocation = Bonus percentage * Total Runeshard Dust Supply
Here's the breakdown of the bonus allocation based on the tiers:
Holding 5: ( 1% ) bonus
Holding 10: ( 2% ) bonus
Holding 15: ( 3% ) bonus
Holding 20: ( 4% ) bonus
Holding 25 or more: ( 5% ) bonus
Let's calculate the total bonus allocation:
Total Bonus Allocation = ( (1% \times X) + (2% \times Y) + (3% \times Z) + (4% \times W) + (5% \times V) )
( X ) is the number of holders holding 5 Runeshards.
( Y ) is the number of holders holding 10 Runeshards.
( Z ) is the number of holders holding 15 Runeshards.
( W ) is the number of holders holding 20 Runeshards.
( V ) is the number of holders holding 25 Runeshards or more.
Last updated